Step and Repeats are a part of the background behind the podium or the speaker or the person being photographed. These banners are made to make the background more attractive and also to communicate the brand logo of the advertiser in subliminal way. Step and repeat banners have the power to transpose any event into the red carpet event by creating an eye-catching ambiance.
Step and repeat banners feature the logo of the company in a tabular or a symmetric form. These banners usually find their place in press conferences or in opening or closing of any media event. The reason for their tremendous popularity is their low cost.
Step and repeat banners are available in a multitude of designs and therefore attract viewers. However, they require a lot of creativity in their fabrication. There are certain variables which set the quality standards for step and repeat banners and you have to keep them in mind while selecting such banners for your organization. One such variable is that these banners have to be in contrast with the clothes of the speaker.Camera lights also have an impact on the quality of step and repeat banners because the reflection in the vinyl or any other material which has been used in the banner will make the banner blurred or unclear.
So, while designing a step and repeat banner, the designer has to take certain aspects in mind. First, he has to define the space and repetition in between the logos according to the event. Second, the designer has to anticipate the expected situations that banner will be used in so he can design them in the most attractive manner so the event will be a success.
Do you need help with your next event? At Sign Art Etc, we design, print and ship Step and Repeat Backdrops all over the US. Let us help you make your next event a success.