Including dogs in weddings is becoming increasingly popular. Your pet is part of the family, so why not?Here are some tips to make sure Fluffy has as much fun as your human guests.
Test your dog out in crowds to make sure he or she has the right temperament
Not all dogs are comfortable around large groups of people. Even if your pooch has a great temperament, putting him or her in a big crowd can be stressful. Set up a test run by bringing your dog to a busy, public place so you can make sure crowds aren’t too much.
Watch out for the cake
Chocolate is hazardous for dogs. If you’re serving a chocolate cake or cupcakes, make sure everyone knows not to give any to your dog. If your dog likes to jump up to get food, keep him or her away from any food display tables. Pack a special dinner for your 4-legged guest so he or she doesn’t feel left out during dinner.

Make sure the venues and vendors are dog-friendly
If your ceremony or reception venues don’t allow dogs, then you’re going to have to make a decision. Consider how dog-friendly they are when you’re checking them out. Even if they do allow dogs, there may be local leash laws, so it’s a good idea to assign doggy duty to a few friends or family members.
Is your dog going to have a role in the ceremony?
Okay, so you’ve gone through all the previous steps. Your dog is allowed at the wedding and can handle crowds. What kind of role will you assign your furry friend? Here are some options:
- Greeter/usher: What’s better than greeting your guests with a wagging tail?
- Ring bearer: Depending on how well-trained Fido is, you may want to use decoy rings for this.
- Groomsman/bridesmaid: Dress your dog up to match the wedding party. You can find plenty of canine wedding attire at Baxter Boo.
- Best man/maid of honor: Hey, if your furry friend is also your best friend, then more power to you. The best part is, the speech will be short and sweet. Woof!
- Flower dog: Your dog can carry a basket of flowers down the aisle. Just make sure they’re non-toxic in case your pooch gets into them.
- Stress reliever: Nothing helps an anxious speaker or in-law de-stress like petting a dog!
- Honored guest: Your dog can just chill out and look cute.
Don’t forget to take pictures!
Who doesn’t love pictures of cute dogs? Your wedding party, your families and your fur baby can all pose in front of a backdrop customized for your special day! To learn more, visit Sign Art Etc.