Whether you’re part of a charitable organization or a nonprofit company, philanthropy is critical. Fundraising events help you share your organization’s story, honor donors and connect with new donors. It’s also an opportunity to extend your group’s reach and boost corporate sponsorships, which is why a well thought-out fundraiser marketing plan is so important.
Getting your brand out there
Putting your organization’s name and logo on a step and repeat will help generate brand awareness. Just think: Your guests will be taking pictures in front of a backdrop featuring your logo and your corporate sponsors’ logos. The pictures will look great, so they’ll be sharing them through their various social networks. That’s fantastic publicity for you and your sponsors.

Creating a red carpet atmosphere
Guests at your events want to pose for pictures with their friends and feel like celebrities. Nobody wants to pose in front of strangers, so a step and repeat banner provides the perfect backdrop. The red carpet atmosphere is an excellent way to show your donors that you consider them VIPs, by providing a professional step and repeat banner for their pictures.
Driving corporate sponsorships
Are you looking for corporate sponsorships? Businesses are always looking for places to make charitable donations. Offering them the opportunity to donate and get their logos on your custom backdrop will help to generate more revenue for your fundraiser. The companies get to post their logo to boost marketing, and your organization gets more donations. It’s a win-win!
If you have a fundraiser coming up, Sign Art Etc can help! You can choose from one of your pre-set templates, or the team can help with a custom design. For more information, visit Sign Art Etc today!