Gold, silver and bronze medal props will make fun gifts for your guests.

Gold Medal Olympics Party Ideas

The Olympic trials are well underway, and that means the thirty-first Olympiad will soon begin. The Summer Olympics only come around every four years, so you’ve got to live it up and enjoy the spectacle when it’s time.

With these tips, you can host your own Olympics-themed party to get in the mood for Rio 2016. Whether you’re hosting a viewing party for the opening ceremonies or for your favorite events, you can throw a fantastic gathering.

You have lots of color schemes to choose from. You could decorate with gold, silver or bronze. You can also incorporate the Olympic rings into your decorations, and use the blue, yellow, black, red and greens from the rings. And of course, the torch is another classic symbol of the events. You can find Olympics-themed decorations at Oriental Trading.

“Purchase mini flags so you and your guests can represent different countries.”

Every Olympics party should have feats of greatness. Pick games that suit your guests, whether they’re adults or kids, athletic or not so athletic. Bean bag toss, hula hoop and ring toss are just a few examples of simple games that can help you and your audience celebrate the spirit of athletic achievement.

To add to the fun, purchase mini flags like these ones available on Amazon, so everyone can represent different countries. Obviously, the winners get gold, silver and bronze medal props as trophies.

A custom photo backdrop is the perfect addition for your Olympics party, because you and your guests can have fun posing with props. With custom backdrops, you can create your own Olympic-themed banner or select from our many pre-made themes.

Enjoy the Rio Olympics and go Team USA!

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